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Tuesday 15 May 2012

New Media functional In Public Affairs Field

by Mohd Azim bin Zainalalam 2009740247

The scope of public relations works been divided into many section. Media relations, Crisis Management, Public Relation Plans, Event Management, Government Relations and many more. With the ongoing globalization era now days, the communications tools has been easier with the enhancing of new media. This advantages should been use wisely in public relations field in planning their objective and strategy to reach their target audience. Currently, there are many types of new media like you tube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blog and Website that can be medium of strategy that must be understand first their purpose of function. After their function been understood, the public relation practitioner can do their task precisely.

One of the well known subject that public relation practitioner must master is Public Affairs. Many definition that been given by scholar regarding the meaning Of Public Affairs. According to Rebecca Pearston, Public affairs is Public relations efforts of a firm that associated with government agencies, mass media, public interest and pressure groups. Obviously, Public Affairs practice creates programs to influence public opinion, promote regulatory and legislative initiatives, build reputations, position litigation and manage issues.

Usually the task in Public affairs is dealing with such a program of political campaign. In dealing with political and social movement campaign, public relation practitioners start with planning strategies and tactics by influencing policy through any medium that can reach their target audience. After the process of influences done, public relations practitioners will shape public opinion, raise awareness and change attitudes, promote social and policy initiatives, manage issues and build reputations. In this whole process new media function will offers a way to track and monitor conversations, and develop grassroots movement among like-minded peoples.

Although the public affairs scopes of work seem very similar toward government relation, it still showed comparison between both of them. Public affairs is associated with all the stakeholder and related subject but government relation is more detail on influencing government policy at all level like state, federal and publics. Maybe New Media will be very useful in both of them but in certain area this medium unsuitable to functional. Based on Malaysia scenario in regarding both of subject, the process to influence public by using new media might be useful but to amendment the government policy and law must be in the right procedures for instant bring it to parliament, tried in court and get agreement from the highest legislation.

1 comment:

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