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Sunday 8 April 2012

Role of Traditional and Online Media in the 12th General Election, Malaysia

By Elliana Mellisa bt. Mohd 2009910425

Social networks are not new phenomenon on the internet as people began to socialize with one another frequently. The most popular social networks these days are Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Blog. Online social networks focus on building and reflecting social relationships among people who share interests, in formations or activities. Social media is being used by everybody including Prime Minister and other politicians.

The participation of citizens in the news and information industry however, is not a new phenomenon. Writing letters, providing observations, giving information and submitting personal or group photographs, audio or video to the mainstream media have been common practices that predate the Internet. Many analysts believe that by using new media, it can help to overcome the lack of media freedom. The new media is being use by the politicians to update and to share thoughts, information or opinion on what really is happening to them daily. By doing this, it can enable the politician to promote themselves and to get a fast feedback from their followers.

The Internet definitely is a medium that can be used to challenge a regime that does not respect democratic practices and to weaken the traditional print and broadcast media that are controlled by the government or companies who close to it. The Internet, especially through blogs and Internet news portals, has given civil society and Malaysian people a new hope to be able to access informed, critical views that challenge the government, information that is hardly to be heard by the government and the dissatisfaction of the among community through Internet.

In Malaysia, the politician and the social media appear as activities of individuals and civil society groups that aimed at correcting political bias in the mainstream media. The arrival of the Internet in the country has allowed various users in one way or another to use new media to correct the imbalance. The mainstream media features prominently in how the opposition is put together in Malaysia in terms of its public image and outreach. Without any fair access to the media, electoral success for the opposition is also impossible to promise. Hence, the mainstream media is seen as one of the very important barrier that can delay the development of the individual democracy.



  1. So, new media/social networking is one of the tactics to gather all the voters! Somehow, if you guys notice that people often misinterpret about how the pro and opposition try to disseminate infos regarding this upcoming general election. Some of them argued, well some of them agreed. I gotta say that seeing those arguments are healthy arguments I suppose? cus it is how people taking part in current issues and exchanging opinions.

  2. Taking part in current issues and exchanging opinions is good, but the problems are now when some of these people who taking part in this issues misused the opportunity by using a harsh words, uploading false information which are untrue in order to make the other oppo or pro look bad. Thus, people can argue healthily but with rational and facts. For me, despite they are politician or not, gatekeeper must always there to control the situation. Because sometimes, social media can create chaos. =)

  3. Thinking of engaging with your audience by sending alerts, confirmations, notifications, reminders, and SMS marketing campaigns. VOIP texting may help you with this in an easy way.


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